sexta-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2009
cosmology astrophysics autocosmo.
THEORY Of UNIVERSE FLUXONÁRIO ESTRUTURANTE From the DENSE SPACE, andTHEORY Of the ENERGETICIDADE and MASER.Author - Ancelmo Graceli Luiz.Ancelmoluizgraceli@hotmail.comTel. 27- 32167566 Street Itabira, nº 5, Itapemirim Set, Rose of thePenha, Cariacica, -269, E.S. cep.29143 Brazilian, professor,graduation in philosophy and theoretical researcher. Published booksASTRONOMY, and WORLD Of the PHYSICAL INTERACTIONS.Collaborator - Marcio Piter Rangel.Presented work the SECT- Spirit Brazil Saint. E the Brazilian Societyof Physics. Introduction published in the WEB for the Vestibule BrazilFactor - Channel Profile. In day 30.01.2008. If other theories withbeddings and you formulate had had acceptance, why these will nothave? Therefore, it possesss all the beddings and all the forms ofcalculations, and that the reality and the comment until today reachedare confirmed with. With more than one hundred and ten formulas, themost varied forms of if calculating one same phenomenon, with morethan two hundred beddings in all the areas of the modern physics.Also, with new forecasts inside of cosmology and astronomy.Presented the Magazine of Education of the SBFISICA. Soced. Bras. deFísica. Brazilian Journal of Physics - SBFISICAPRESENTATION.The theories defend the power vital the holy ghost and on cosmo, thelife, the mind and everything more, against the mecanicismo and thematerialism. With forceful beddings on possibilities of as everythingit possesss an origin and an aiming for the power the holy ghost inroute the life, the harmony, the perfection, the improvement and theeternity in detriment to the chaos and the end.In cosmology the universe is defended that if structure as a stream ofproduction and destruction of astros. In astronomy it is defended thatthe movement is produced by the proper energy of astro. INTRODUCTION.THEORY Of the ORIGIN Of the SUBSTANCE And the COSMO, And UNIVERSEFLUXONÁRIO ESTRUTURANTE.This theory is the one that more is come close to the power of God.Therefore it goes against any form of chaos.OF THE ALMOST NOTHING EVERYTHING CAN APPEAR - EXCEPT GOD.The UNIVERSE Is An AUTO CREATION, HOWEVER, A WORKMANSHIP Of ThisTRANSPORT ALONE CAN HAVE the POWER Of the CREATOR.This theory goes of meeting to the harmony and cosmic eternity indetriment to the chaos and the finitude of the universe considered forthe theory of the great explosion. While one enters in stream ofdisintegration and reintegration with little energy, others are bornmore distant from the aglutinação of the dense space.COSMO ESTRUTURANTE And DESINTEGRANTE.Graceliano Model. The universe is constant and infinite stream.First part.THEORY Of the BUBBLE OF DENSE SPACE And ENERGY.While in the theory of the great explosion the universe if expandsfrom a point of the space and a small amount of energy, and is the oneonly - OF OUTSIDE FOR INSIDE - In the theory of the bubble universe ifit contracts from the dense space to produce the substance and theenergy of some points of the infinite of the space, in a constantproduction of new universes in some points of cosmo. Or either, itcontracts itself to produce the substance stops later forming theastros and if expanding for the maser. E is some universes in infinitepoints of cosmo in infinite phases.Of birth in the phase bubble of dense space - phase estruturante-Naenergy phase, In the phase of substance and the phase ofdisintegration, unfastening and removal in the space for the propermaser of the density of the substance. E reintegration formingsecondary from the material radiated for the elementary school.PASSES FOR FORMATION Of the SUBSTANCE, ELEMENTS, ASTROS And TheUNIVERSES.Thus, the dense space if contracts until to be filamentoso - thediffuse substance arrives - dense substance - energy - diffuse cores -astros - nuclear fusing - chemical elements - of light elements inweighed - maser - reengrupamentos in new astros, secondary - it comesback if to disintegrate - and the process continues until if becomingdiffuse substance.COMMENT. We do not feel the action of the dense space because we are in auniverse in a phase thatalready it was changedded into substance.FORMULA FOR CONTRACTION OF DENSE SPACE.The dense space if contracts and diminishes of size to produce thesubstance, and if it gives in a contraction and infinite reduction,that can be calculated with formulates of the infinitesimal limit. Butone it has all left, divided for all, thus infinitely.Dense space ED - total part p dense space if structuralizing. Thus,infinitely, until changedding into energy and substance.ED - P/ED... until arriving to be energy and substance.Thus, we have the formula for formation of the substance, energy andfor origin of the universe.INFINITE UNIVERSES IN PHASES ESTRUTURANTES And DESINTEGRANTES.FIRST THEORY Of the ORIGIN And NATURE Of the SUBSTANCE.It was always looked by the philosophers and Greek chemistries, laterfor the modern physics an explanation for the origin, nature andessence of the substance, where the world at times was divided in formand structure, spirit, mind and substance, therefore I show the firsttheory of that the substance can appear and of that it is formed, thathere is of filaments of dense space, always looked to the substancefor the substance and dividiz it infinitely of the atom of the Greeksuntil the hundred of particles that they are catalogued today. Comment- no theory displayed until today obtained to give a recital from thatit originated the substance. All leave soon of the estimated one ofsomething.CALCULATION OF FORMATION OF SUBSTANCE And FOR COSMO ESTRUTURANTE.To be able of contraction of the dense space = amount of densespace/cosmological time = estruturante substance and cosmo and phases.CALCULATION FOR COSMO DESINTEGRANTE.To be able of disintegration = amount of substance, temperature,fusing core to estelar, maser and energy/cosmological time.Pd*[qm ]/t c.DENSE SPACE And SUBSTANCE, And ENERGY And ASTROS.Universe not formed from great explosion, but yes of space dense,space dense is all space that in it surrounds them, that we have thenotion that it is a great emptiness, but is not, it possesss density,and of it the substance and the energy if they had originated to formthe first astros, galaxies and accumulations.ROTATION And TRANSLATION Of the UNIVERSE.The expansion is false, is in the truth a translation and rotation anda minimum of removal.What we have the notion of a great expansion of the universe is in thetruth the translation and rotation of exactly. Therefore, if it isinfinitely old and had started if to expand at the moment of supposeda great explosion, the astros would be so distant ones of the othersthat nor its light would be capable to be picked-up by any type oftelescope.The FORMAT Of the UNIVERSE.The disposal of the galaxies in disks with the systems of stars alsoin disk test that the universe is a estruturação process and passesfor streams, therefore had appeared at one alone moment in a greatexplosion the format of the universe would be spherical, or eitherwith all the astros in one same distancia of a center, and as alsowith the same translation and rotation.Comment. Already we have here a recital of the origin and of thatmaterial cosmo if formed. Beddings not displayed until today for othertheories.The ENERGY PRODUCES the MASER THAT PRODUCES the REMOVAL MINIMUM.It has yes a minimum removal proceeding from the action of the maserand high temperatures, removal produced for the processed energy fornuclear fusing in the inward of the astros.UNIVERSE OF ENERGY ESTRUTURANTE. OR UNIVERSE OF CONTRACTION AndDISINTEGRATION.The universe passes for two processes - first of the formation of thesubstance and the energy for the contraction of the filaments of thedense space.As of the formation of the astros, its processes of energy andproduction of temperature to the ratio that the substance ifagglutinates, with the agglutinated substance are produced greatamount of energy and temperature, giving sprouting the maser and theconsequent disintegration of astro in the space. For that the universeis a stream of estruturante energy, where first if it contracts stopslater if disintegrating and if moving away ones from the others,always in lesser portions.It is A STREAM WHY IF I CONTRACTED OF DENSE SPACE UNTIL the SUBSTANCE,OF SUBSTANCE IN ASTRO, IF IT DISINTEGRATES IN MASER, IT COMES BACK theREINTEGRAR-SE IN LESSER ASTROS And WITH LITTLE DIÃMETRO And ENERGY,THAT DESINTEGRAR-SE COMES BACK. E STREAM CONTINUES INFINFINITAMENTE.UNTIL IF BECOMING DIFFUSE SUBSTANCE.The same process passes particles and atoms.The PRODUCTION Of SECONDARY For the MASER And the ATMOSPHERE.Part of the maser if also transforms into atmosphere, that always goesto direct for the equator, where goes to form cinturões of gases asit is the Jupiter case, or in a more advanced period of training thecinturões go to form rings that is the Saturn case and Uranus, ofthese rings go to form small accumulations of gases, that always morewill go to agglutinate themselves more and, where will appear thefirst rarefied cores, and the aglutinação process continues, wherethe secondary ones start to appear exactly before if forming, as gasesthey already possess translation and rotation and if they move awayfrom the elementary schools. Or either, before existing as astro thesecondary one already develops its translation.TEST For FORMAT And DINÃMICA Of the ATMOSPHERE.This can be confirmed with the Land, where its atmosphere already lessconcentrates more in the equator and in the polar regions, proceedingfrom the magnetism of the Land and centrifuga action of the rotation,and that the atmosphere possesss proper dynamics. That it will befilamentará until arriving to give beginning to a new satellite.However this is not for today. The MAGNETISM Of the ELEMENTARY SCHOOLSPEEDS UP the FORMATION Of the SECONDARY One.If it was not the magnetism and the centrifuga action of the rotationof the astros, its secondary ones would delay time not to formthemselves. Therefore the magnetism and action centrifugam act in theproduction of the filaments of gases for the equator and in theproduction of these filaments in the esferificação process, whererarefied cores will appear, until forming new astros. E the stream continues of disintegration of the elementary school formaser proceeding from the energy production, for the production ofatmosphere and aglutinação in filaments for the magnetism andcentrifuga action of the rotation of proper astro until arriving theesferificação, also through the magnetism of the gases.PHASES OF THE STREAM.1 - with the contraction of the filaments of the dense space to formthe substance and after the produced substance if form in astros. Withthe formed astros they pass if to disintegrate as form of maser andtemperature.2- the material of the disintegration comes back if to contract and toproduce astros lesser, and of these other minors the processcontinues. This if confirms where the astros possess the sphericalformat. Therefore the rounding sample that had a slow process offormation through materials that had appeared of are for inside, whereslowly for aglutinação astro was if structuralizing. They confirmbecause the cores are denser and the Land is formed by layers andcores.In the case of the production of the planets for the Sun, theatmosphere nor arrived if to form, and the maser was soon iffilamentando to esferificar and to appear the planets.INFINITE UNIVERSE In the AGE, the SPACE, And the PROCESSING.The esferificação test that astro was produced by layers of materialof maser for juxtaposition - one on the other, for that the cores aredenser, that were already proven in the physics of the atom. E therounding test that took much more time this circular formation, thenthe universe is a much more slow and constant process that if canimagine. Thus, the rounding of the universe proves the theory of thestream and that all the universe of today did not appear at one alonemoment, they are some universes in some phases if processing and ifstructuralizing, while some age for lose and energy processing, othersthey appear for the dense space. These phases if confirm for thecurrent comment, thus the universe are infinite in the origin and theend, the space and its processing.PHASES OF THE UNIVERSE. UNIVERSES BUBBLE ESTRUTURANTE And FLUXONÁRIO.1- Origin - universe bubble of dense space and bubble of energy. 2-Type - estruturante fluxonário, if contracts to produce the substancefrom the bubble of the dense space. Later if it after expands thecontraction and production of energy, temperature and maser. 3- Formto exist - production processes energy. 4- Amount - some types in somephases, of the bubble until astro almost without energy. 5- Size -infinite in the production of new universes, the infinite in the spaceand the time. 6- Form - infinite and varied forms, of bubbles, gases,diffuse energy, dense and less dense substance, astros, rings, maser,atmosphere, etc. 7- estruturante of the substance and cosmo.MAGICAL CREATION - SUBSTANCE From The DENSE SPACE.Before if speaking of the creation of the universe, it must be spokenof the creation of the energy and the substance, therefore it was fromthe substance that appeared the astros.ROUNDING And ESFERIFICAÇÃO Of the ASTROS.The esferificação of astros the test that,1- It was formed for a slow process to have the spherical format, ofthe the opposite it would not be.2- It was formed of minimum parts that had been if joust locating toform astro, of the the opposite would not have the round formation.One sees that while Saturn and Uranus possesss rings of gases in theroute of the equator, Jupiter it possesss an atmosphere stack that isin movement in the route of the equator, where if confirms the originof the astros for components of the elementary school.3- the astros are older of the one than if it thinks. E its core isdenser of the one than the exterior part, and the planet Land isformed by formed layers on.4- Fiz a calculation for the age of the Land, however was taken inaccount only the removal, and not it time for the esferificação,that probably was very bigger.5- Test that the universe has its origin through very small elements,that had been if joining to form the astros, as minimum parts ofmaser, gases, light and leftovers of great temperatures.6- the universe is had There if forming for minimum parts, as energyand substance, of inside for exterior part is with the cores denserthan the crust -. A much more old, round and infinite universe in theend and origin time, the infinite in relation its production, then,that it would never appear at one alone moment in a great explosion.MASER IN THE FORMATION OF SECONDARY.Thus, with the format of the astros if it has plus a test of thetheory of the estruturante fluxonário universe. For compression ofthe dense space, and disintegration for the maser and temperature, anda new compression of this maser in the space, forming new lesserastros, as planets, satellites and comets. E the estruturante anddesintegrante process continues producing asteroids and others thatwill always be disintegrated producing astros and lesser asteroids.Universes alone of dense space, gases, energy, diffuse substance,substance exist and astros and gases, light and maser, with this if itconfirms the theory here supported of that the universe does not haveage, therefore it is an infinite production and disintegration ofitself exactly. E while some disintegrate others in other points ofthe infinite of the space starts if to form slowly for the densespace.If cosmo was produced at one alone moment, the astros would not have aspherical form so defined, some would be long and flattened others.ON The DENSE SPACE, SUBSTANCE And ENERGY.The energy exists in function of the substance, since its productionuntil its carrier also for air, therefore the substance contains andproduze the energy, therefore the energy does not have as to existwithout the substance, and the substance if originates and isdensificado dense space.SUBSTANCE And ENERGY = DENSE SPACE DENSIFICADO.It does not have as to speak of a universe that if it originates froma small ball in a great explosion, therefore which the origin of thisball, and gives where came the energy for explodiz it. The great explosion contains varies contradictions and lack of originbeddings, cause and effect.INTERPLANETARY And SPACE ATMOSPHERE.The interplanetary space is constituted of gas to one [ pressure often raised to less 19 terrestrial atmospheres ]. That is a route thatthe space is not an emptiness without density, pressure, and is not avacuum. PLEA. If the gravitation attracted the astros, all the satelliteswould be plumb between the planet and the Sun, therefore the planetwould hold of a side and the Sun of another one, and would beconstantly in eclipse. Therefore that the dynamics depends on theenergy and maser of astro. To see theory of the energeticidade andmaser.THUS WE HAVE THE PHASES OF THE UNIVERSE.The filamentosa space phase of density. The energy phase spacefilamentosa. The phase of the materiality - chemical atoms, andelements. The phase of immense astros, with little density, and littlemaser. The phase of the aglutinação, where the substance was ifagglutinating, magnifying the internal temperature and the maser. Thephase of the disintegration for the internal temperature and maser.The phase of formation of new astros for the aglutinação of theexpelled material of the maser of the first astros, thus we see thatit is a stream and process of integration, disintegration and newaglutinações.DIRECT FORMATION For The DENSE SPACE, And FORMATION OF SECONDARY ForThe FORMED SUBSTANCE ALREADY.The material that already became astro after does not come back to bedense space the disintegration, but this material if integratesforming new lesser astros.Thus it has two processes. 1- the process of direct formation for thedense space. 2- and the process for the disintegration of astroalready produced, that it goes to reintegrate themselves and to formother minors.Thus, the dense space is an immense one all, as an immense jellywithout definite form. The universe is a process of direct form forthe dense space, and a cycle process, where some are disintegrated andpart of its material goes to construct others. With this we see thatthe origin, production and time of the universe are infinite, and thesystem of production of universes is much more old of that if itimagines, in trillions of years.E that exists some types of universes, ones of dense space, field ofenergy without substance, field of energy with substance, universes ofatomic cores, gases, substance and astros if disintegrating andintegrating others.COSMIC EVOLUTION And EVOLUTION Of The CHEMICAL ELEMENTS.Thus, the universe is a constant production and of cosmic evolution,direct production and disintegration, and secondary production ofintegration in new astros, while the chemical elements go ifprocessing and evolving.ON the REMOVAL.The universe did not suffer a great explosion to produce its removal,but yes, the removal is product of the maser, rotation and of thegreat temperatures, that stimulate the astros for front, modifying itsorbit. Or either, the nuclear fusing, the production of temperatureand maser produce the lowermost removal between the astros. For thatit has a ratio enters the distancias of the planets and satellites.PLEA.If the universe had suffered to a great explosion alone the galaxieswould be if moving away, and the lesser astros as planets, comets andsatellites would not be if moving away, and the gradual removal provesthat all the astros if find in removal ones in relation to the others,thus, all the astros if they find in removal proceeding from itsenergy, maser and external temperature.PLEA.APPEARANCE To the RED For the EFFECT DOPPLER For the ROTATION AndTRANSLATION Of the COSMO.The front that the universe does not meet in expansion, but yes inminimum removal will be seen more, and what it is detected asappearance to the red nor it is this removal. Therefore it isinsignificant in whom he refers to to the shift in the space, and whatit gives the appearance to the red in Doppler effect is the shift ofthe translation and rotation of astros and galaxies in the space.REMOVAL FOR THE ACTION OF THE MASER.We see then that, the universe is a constant creation for filaments ofdense space of new new substances and the cosmos for the aglutinaçãoof the casting and reintegrated materials already, while other cosmosmore evolved if disintegrates for maser and high temperature, otherlesser astros if they integrate with the material of that already theyhad been disintegrated and that they go to develop a next orbit tothat gave to origin and initial impulse to it, for the maser andintense temperature. Thus one forms a direct production for the densespace, and a production for cycle of disintegration and integrationfor the disintegrated material, while the chemical elements evolve. E,while the universe if widens for the maser produced for the properastros. E not for supposed a great explosion, therefore the removal isa process continues for the action of the maser, therefore that itdecreases gradually and the initial impulse only tends to loseintensity. While the material universe if expands, the universe offilaments of the dense space if contracts, or either, it has tworeverse situations.The maser is proceeding mainly from the interactions of nuclear fusingin the inward of the astros. Or either, the same phenomenon - themaser - that it produces the orbit and the dynamics of the planets andsatellites, also produces the widening of the universe and producesnew astros, and is the producer of the structure of them, and of newchemical elements. One concludes thus, that cosmo is infinite in itsorigin and will be in its future, as also he is infinite in the spaceand the new production of the cosmos, and new chemical elements. Theprocess of slow creation goes against the process of instantaneouscreation considered by the great explosion. To prove the displayedthesis above it is simple, is alone to evidence that the expansion iffinds in decreasing progression. However as already it was seen, theuniverse if finds in production and removal and not in expansion.Thus, while one is disintegrated and gone to produce others in othercantos of the universe the dense space if it processes giving toorigin the galaxies of space gases. Thus, the universe is a process ofdirect birth for the dense space, of already been born, and birth ofborn others from already. Everything occurs for a direct hashing ofthe substance in the origin, is a fluxonária hashing in theproduction of new chemical elements, new astros and new orbits. Secondpart.ON the SUBSTANCE.M = ED = and/t - substance is equal the solidiquicado dense space,that is equal to the energy divided for the time.The substance is made solid energy dense space, or either, thechemical particles and elements are in the truth the dense space ifprocessing energeticamente and producing solidification. E in a moreadvanced evolutivo period of training. Thus, the substance passes fora evolutivo process, and the substance - made solid energy dense space- always meets in an improvement, and passes for a slow and unifiedprocess therefore that all the substance and the structure of the atomare equal.PHASES OF FORMATION OF THE ASTROS.Our universe did not initiate lowermost previous to a great explosion,but yes, infinitely great, entering in a contraction to produce thesubstance, passing for made solid energy that is the substance, itstops later structuralizing itself in particles, elements chemical,and finally astros.Or either, the universe did not form astros instantaneamente,therefore that the astros and atoms possess cores.First it is formed energy, later the substance and finally the astros,different of that it defends the great explosion.Thus, the universe passes of the contraction. 1- of the space forenergy and the substance. 2- of the substance for astros.After the disintegration through the maser and intense temperatures.It passes to the integration, where new astros are formed from thematerial of the maser. Thus, the universe and a stream of productioncycles and estruturação and evolution, through. 1 - Contraction andsolidification. 2 - Chemical evolution. 3 - Disintegration, removaland dynamics of the universe for the energy and maser. 4 - Eintegration in new astros.E that the orbit, the dynamics, the removal and the disintegration ofthe universe are proceeding from the energy and maser, becoming theuniverse of flattened structure, where the astros already arestructuralized and in gradual removal as he is ours, while others areto circulate and in formation through gases, and others withtentáculos as great galaxies.COSMOFÍSICA and ASTROPHYSICS.PRODUCER OF ITSELF.The universe is an alive and dynamic system of production andestruturação, where it produces its proper energy for itsfunctioning, estruturação and dynamics, being that the energymagnifies to the ratio that goes carrying through its functioning, andis a stream system, where the same interaction that produces theelements chemical, produces the astros for fusing. E also producesfields, maser, high temperatures, dynamics, orbits, structures of theastros, and the removal in the universe. Or either, it is a producerof itself, its structure and its functioning. Thus, it is a constantproduction of integration and disintegration. AGE OF THE UNIVERSE.With this, it can be deduced that the universe does not possess anorigin determined in the time, much less in some place of the space,and it does not possess an origin determined in the estruturação ofthe substance and the astros that compose it. However, it has infiniteage, therefore the dense space always was there and producing energy,substance, until arriving the astros.FORM OF BEING OF THE UNIVERSEOf contraction for the dense space. Of removal for the maser.Of aglutinação for the material of the maser.The universe passes for streams while it produces the chemicalelements in the interactions of nuclear fusing in the center of theastros, where produces energy when processing the physicalinteractions and to produce its structure of astros, orbits anddynamics.ON the MOVEMENTIf the related movement this with the maser, hightemperatures, and physical interactions in the inward of the astrosthat are untied in the dense space to develop its dynamics. Soon themovement is natural and dynamic, and varies as the situations ofenergy production where if it finds astro. E if the dynamics obey astream, then the movement is dynamic, disforme and variable.ON The DENSE SPACE.Dense space produces the substance, while the produced substancealready produces the astros and the chemical elements go being castingin the secondary stars and.ON the SUBSTANCEThe substance is filaments of the contracted dense space, thatgo to structuralize the chemical universe in substance, astros,elements, maser, high temperature, and in the dynamic auto universe.ON the COSMOThe universe is auto dynamic and while it produces the energythe physical interactions go being processed, and the maser acting andspreading the substance, the astros are in dynamics for the properenergy and maser, the chemical elements evolve and if they improve,improving the substance and structuralizing the universe, cosmo ifcontracts for the dense space, and if it widens for the action of themaser, then the universe is alive and auto dynamic.ON the TIMEThe time does not exist, what it exists is the timer of thememory marked for the functioning of the brain as conscience form ofthat happens between intervals of events. We can consider thesecondary time as something, that it exists in function of thefunctioning of the conscience produced for the functioning of thebrain. The speed of the timer of the man is the speed of functioningof the human brain.ON the REMOVAL And WIDENING Of the COSMO.Thus, the dynamics of the universe is proceeding from the constantmaser, therefore that its widening if finds in decreasing progression.E the astros had appeared of the aglutinação of the dense space,while the maser and the high temperatures disintegrate the astros.Soon in the future and this part and period of training of theuniverse where in we find them the astros will be more cold andlesser.Thus, the astros are untied and free in the space, and not imprisonedfor presumptions fields, where the rotation of the galaxies is minorwho the translation. While the substance appears of the dense space,where the astros are produced, others is formed in other points of thespace, while the dynamics is common to all the astros and not only inthe galaxies. Test of this we have in the solar system. With this wesee that the widening is a constant production for the maser, and notfor supposed a great explosion. Therefore the same phenomenon thatproduces the translation, rotation, orbits, also produces thewidening, therefore that the removal is gradual decreasing, it growsgradually, however it has a percentage of decrease in the progression.The universe will tend if to waste and if to dilute in lesser astros,and with little energy, while in other parts it will initiate otheruniverses with the material of the dense space. The universe possesssthree basic forms of production 1 - structural, that it produces thesubstance and of the form, 2-other of action who gives to life thesubstance, that is the physical interactions, energy and maser in theinward of the astros. 3 - of production of new astros and chemicalelements.ON the FORMATION And AGE Of the ASTROS Of The SOLAR SYSTEMIt is confirmed that the asteroids are not perfectly round,therefore in its majority are a little flattened and prolongated. Oneconfirms that they are resulted of expelled tablets of material ofsome planet or the Sun, being masses inteiriça and produced of onealone moment, while planets and satellites are astros round, where ifconfirms that it had a slow formation of overlapping of components ofits elementary schools expelled for masers. This if confirms that thespherical ones had taken more time to form themselves, and confirmsthe displayed theory here.Third part.COSMOFÍSICA OF INTERACTIONS And ENERGY.The universe could not appear of a ball of energy or substance to blowup, therefore it would appear to the question, of where this ballappeared of substance, and how much time it was there before theexplosion, and what it formed it.We see that the production of the substance and energy is a constantprocess of nuclear fusing, evolution of chemical elements andestruturação of new astros and galaxies in the space and otherconstant phenomena that form our slow universe. Soon, the universe iswithout beginning and end, in the time, the space, the materializationand production.The phase of the astrophysics and cosmofísica, that is of theproduction of energy, maser and of the disintegration for maser andthe integration of material with little temperature in the space, andwhere the peripheral astros had appeared.If the universe had appeared of a great explosion the substancealready would exist before the universe, and this not and possible ofbeing, what we see in the truth is that the substance is part of aslow process, as the formation of the chemical elements is slow, as itis slow and constant the formation of the astros and the properuniverse.One of the forceful tests of the slow formation of the universe andits beginning of is for inside if closing on itself until becomingmaterialized, and that the astros are constituted of layers withgreaters and minors densities, some layers ones on the others, and agradual cooling until the inward of the astros. Soon, the universewould not appear of a point, of inside for is.STRUCTURES IN LAYERS.Thus, the universe for being a slow process, and of is for inside anddone of layers, evidences in the rotation and dynamics of Saturnrings, as also in the structure of the atom, and in the structure ofthe planet Land, or same in the atmosphere of the Land and Jupiter.The substance and the universe are made of are for inside for thedense space, and the astros also for the material of the maser.A great explosion would not give beginning to the universe, thereforeit was itself the case already would exist before the explosion, andwhat he would produce the structure and the energy to blow up.The chemical elements also weighed are products of a slow process offormation.PHASES - SOME UNIVERSES.It has some universes. Of bubble of dense space, of energy of densespace, and of the free substance in the space, and of the substanceestruturalizada in astros and the maser and high temperatures.The fields, atoms, astros and proper cosmo as a whole are determinedby the energy and intensity of the physical interactions where theymeet as also the orbits, dynamic of the astros and atoms. Exactly theevolution of the chemical elements and evolution of the substance andastros and cosmo as a whole is resulted of the intensity of thephysical interactions and production of energy.The stars shine thanks to the spontaneous nuclear fusing in its cores,where light elements are transformed into chemical elements weighed.We see in the universe that while stars diminish others blossomeverything this if it gives in a slow process of creation and hashingin new elements and new astros.With this cosmo if becomes the infinite in its origin and in theproduction, we see that it has some types of older universes ones,other new and other different ones, that it is created by a calm God,constructing the cosmos, beings and souls for the good.PLEA Of the EXPANSION.What it gives an appearance to have an immense expansion are thetranslation and the rotation of the galaxies, in the truth thetranslation is immensely bigger that the removal between the astros.If the astros were if moving away straight-line for the age proposaluntil from the universe, all the astros would be so distant here thatwould be impossible to see nor the Sun, the more the red of Dopplereffect. One concludes that the universe is not in expansion, but yesin translation and rotation, and a minimum removal billions of lessertimes of that any translation.All the galaxies are if opening as a sunflower, or either, if movingaway from its center, and in translation and rotation therefore thatwe have a notion of an immense expansion, however that is anappearance of the effect of the translation and rotation of thegalaxies, therefore of the the opposite they would be infinitelydistant one of the others, being impossible to register its sameposition or any form of light, even though of the Sun. A time thatpossesss infinite origin and constant production.Therefore we have notion of that all are if distanciando of the Sun,therefore with rotation and translation effect Doppler for red isregistered with big intensity, and that it gives an appearance of thatthe Sun is in the center of the universe, therefore the movement istranslacional and rotational of that of removal.If the expansion was product of a great explosion the galaxiesinfinitely distant and already would be parked in the space. Thus, forbeing possible to detect the appearance of the galaxies and itsdynamics, it evidences that the universe did not originate from agreat explosion and nor the supposed expansion is product of a greatexplosion, then the universe is infinitely old, and its supposedexpansion is origin and product of its maser, and is braked by thedense space. E has left of that we detect as expansion is theappearance of the translation and rotation of the galaxies.With the time for the formation of the substance, with the time of theevolution of the chemical elements, formation of the astros,esferficação of the external structure of the astros, if see thatthe universe is infinitely old, then if the supposed expansion isrelated to supposed a great explosion would not give to detect theexistence of the galaxies in the space, therefore they would beinfinitely distant.As also, of where the substance would appear to produce a greatexplosion.The origin of the substance for the dense space, evolution of thechemical elements, formation and esferificação almost that perfectof the astros, layers of atmosphere and structure of the astros andthe existence of the galaxies it confirms the theory of the origin ofthe universe for the dense space, the production of the universe forthe physical interactions and fusing. E the dynamics for the energy,impulse for the maser and the physical interactions, as also thecosmic brake of the dynamics of the astros for the dense space. Thus,the universe was not produced at one alone moment in a great explosionand also it does not meet in expansion, but yes in a minimum andinsignificant removal, billions of lesser times of that any speed oftranslation and is easy to visualize.If the planet Neptune has as many kilometers of removal of the Sun andit it developed today until how many rollbacks around the Sun and withthat speed. This calculation serves for any astro.CALCULATION OF REMOVAL OF THE UNIVERSE.Removal in km of the elementary school/number of rollbacks on theelementary school * arc ofdistancia in km of the translation = the approach value of one removalastro since the beginning of its formation.Example.The ray of the Sun until the Land has 150.000.000 of km, being that Icirculate it in rollback it has 3,5 times approximately this ray, andthat the Land already gave 1.000.000 of rollbacks more than, oreither, to calculate the removal of the Land, have thatAmaltéia satellite if evidences that it folloies with its translationthe Jupiter rotation, as a son next to the mother.This in only comes to confirm them the displayed one until here, thatthe satellites if originate from filaments of gases of the atmosphereof the planets, and that the translation if originates together withthe origin of the proper satellite, or same can be said that theybefore exactly of being one astro already meet in dynamics.The rotation of the elementary school espirala and condenses next tothe equator the atmosphere, where of this espiralamento of gases goesto form new astros, that these gases already meet in translacionaldynamics and variation and density in its form and structure. The gas that forms a spiral cinturão if processes and moves for onealone point next to the equator, for two reasons, magnetism of astroand centrifuga of rotation, where it goes to start to give beginningto a sphere, that is the esferificação process that will become inastro. To if forming it it will be distanciará giving condition othersuccessive ones that they will come if to structuralize.Thus, the paths are,1-Formação of the atmosphere for the maser, and shift of thisatmosphere on astro for the proper action of the maser.2-Espiralamento of the atmosphere for the rotation of astro and shiftof the atmosphere, that if dislocates next to the equator.3-Esferificação of this spiral atmosphere with translation.4-A sphere beyond the translation and removal that already possuía,also passes if to distanciar of the elementary school that formed it.E the process continues, while astro if moves away and translada, alsostarts to produce its rotation.Therefore that amount of translation, removal and rotation depend onall energy in processing of astro, that it goes to produce all maserof astro in the space. E therefore that when aging all dynamics tendsto diminish, therefore already spent almost everything that could.FREE DYNAMICS, PROPER And DECREASING For the ENERGY.One confirms that the dynamics is proper of astro and proportional itsenergy, and that the astros are free in the space, and this freedomand maser make with that they move away themselves from its elementaryschools. Soon, if they move away themselves for maser cannot beattracted.CONCLUSION.COSMOFÍSICA.Considerações.Tests of that the universe is processes of infinite estruturação.What test that the universe if structure for a slow process is throughthe esferificação of the astros and that the land to be formed ofcore and layers, therefore test that the astros are formed ofoverlapping of small materials that had been expelled by others.Therefore if the universe was produced at one moment for a greatexplosion the land alone would be formed by a inteiriço tablet. Withthe esferificação and layers if test that the universe is billionsof older times of the one than if it thinks today. E if is infinitely old and considering the speed and the appearancefor the observed red, with this if it concludes that we would not seethe sun and no star in the space, therefore the time that if finds inspeed they would be infinitely distant, and would not be capable toobserve none astro in the space.Considerações on a theory of cosmology and astronomy.A theory of cosmology and astronomy must be based on the generaluniverse, of the origin of the substance, of particles, origin of thechemical elements and its estruturação, processing, and evolution,nuclear fusing of the astros, maser, temperature, estruturação andstructure of the astros, the universe as a system in evolution in itsconstitution macro, generality and micron.What it is the universe. It is dense space, densificada substance,processes and structure, streams and evolution, without beginning andend.The structure of the dense space. As the gases that are light,invisible and they float the dense space is millions of times lessdensificado. False hypothesis of the great explosion. Everything before blowing upfirst has that to be formed of some element, or some structure ofsubstance or dense space, then the hypothesis of the great explosionis false. On the cosmological time.The cosmological time is the time that represents the energy andprocessing in a system of astros.Cosmofísica.Universe of lowermost processes.What componhe and determines cosmo in its structure is its physicalprocesses,production of particles and chemical elements and its evolution, inthe cores where the fusing estelares happens, or either, the universemicron determines the macro and the generality, a system of galaxiesalone goes to confide conforms the intensity of physical processesthat are produced in the system. It will have chemical lights andforms and streams, components, fusing in agreement the generalphysical processing.Of the multiplicity of the universe.The universe is multiple, or either, is several in some periods oftraining of origin, processing, estruturação, stream anddisintegration. It has origin for the density of the space that formsthe substance, later the energy and during the process he forms thechemical elements and the astros.Of the stream of the universe.The universe if structure of are for inside [ for integration of thedense space ] after inside for are [ for disintegration of thesubstance ] for the processes and fusing of the substance and in thecores of the astros. It comes back if to reintegrate forming astrosminors and with little energy, later if disintegrates in maser, and ifit reintegrates in astro, and the stream and processes it continuesuntil the substance if to become diffuse and with little energy. As example if it has of the dense space and the substance, of thesubstance to astro, the star that produces maser, that go to produceplanets, that goes to produce maser and atmosphere, that goes toproduce maser, rings and satellites, and the stream and estruturantesand desistruturantes processes continue infinitely until the diffusesubstance. Where it takes the substance to evolve and to produce the elementschemical. Thus the universe is infinite and without definitive form.Thus, the universe if finds in contraction and internal widening, butnot in expansion and yes in lowermost removal, if it finds intranslation and rotation, estruturação, streams and evolution of itscomponents. While some start its origin, others meet in streams andprocesses, while others already meet in the final phase that is indiffuse substance.Nuclear Cosmofísica. Nuclear fusing.The nuclear fusing of the stars keeps for a good time the temperatureof the astros, with this it makes with that the universe if processesslowly, and can keep its stream and evolution of the substance andchemical elements and helps it transforms it light elements intoheavy, and goes to produce the energy and dynamics of the astros, forthat secondary the most distant ones possess dynamic little and theorbits are more irregular. Or either, satellites of planets, planetsof stars.Thus, the universe and its stream and estruturação if must itsproduction of energy, as also the evolution of the elements and thedynamics of the astros.The energy production goes to also determine the layers andesferificação of the astros. Not expansionista and not stationaryuniverse. Thus one confirms that the universe if finds in lowermostremoval and not in expansion, and it does not meet parked thereforepossesss rotation, translation, streams, evolution and otherphenomena.Evolutivo. One meets in evolution in its structure micron and macro,of the elements to the astros. E if eternalizes as substance withdiffuse density. He is not arched and nor straight. Comment. Thetheory of the energeticidade and maser that deals with astronomy willbe presented in another text. With more than one hundred and tenformulas proving the two theories, therefore use diameter, maser,temperature, rotation and equatorial speed. Distancia E not use massor gravitation4:42 AM Ancelmo said... TEORIA dell'UNIVERSO FLUXONÁRIO ESTRUTURANTE dallo SPAZIO DENSO eTEORIA del ENERGETICIDADE e del Maser.Autore - Ancelmo Graceli Luiz.Ancelmoluizgraceli@hotmail.comTelefono. 27- 32167566 via Itabira, nº 5, insieme di Itapemirim, Rosadel Penha, di Cariacica, di -269, del brasiliano di E.S. cep.29143,del professore, della graduazione in filosofia e del ricercatoreteorico. ASTRONOMIA pubblicata dei libri e MONDO delle INTERAZIONIFISICHE.Collaboratore - Marcio Piter Rangel.Lavoro presentato lo spirito Brasile San della sezione. E la societàbrasiliana di fisica. L'introduzione ha pubblicato nel WEB per ilfattore del Brasile del vestibolo - Manica il profilo. Nel giorno30.01.2008. Se altre teorie con gli assestamenti e voi formulanoavesse avuto accettazione, perchè queste non ha? Di conseguenza,confermarlo esso possesss tutti gli assestamenti e tutte le forme deicalcoli e di quello la realtà ed il commento fino a oggi raggiuntocon. Con più di cento dieci formule, le forme più varie di secalcolando un stesso fenomeno, con più di duecento assestamenti intutte le zone di fisica moderna. Inoltre, con le nuove previsioniall'interno di cosmology e di astronomia.Ha presentato lo scomparto di formazione dello SBFISICA. Soced.Reggiseni. de Física. Giornale brasiliano di fisica - SBFISICAPRESENTAZIONE.Le teorie difendono l'potenza vitale il fantasma santo e sul cosmo,sulla vita, sulla mente e su tutto più, contro il mecanicismo ed ilmaterialism. Con gli assestamenti validi sulle possibilità come ditutto possesss un'origine e mirare all'potenza il fantasma santodentro dirige la vita, l'armonia, la perfezione, il miglioramento edil eternity nel detrimento al caos ed all'estremità.Nel cosmology l'universo è difeso che se struttura come flusso diproduzione e di distruzione dei astros. Nell'astronomia è difeso cheil movimento è prodotto dall'energia adeguata del astro.INTRODUZIONE.TEORIA dell'ORIGINE della SOSTANZA e del COSMO ed UNIVERSO FLUXONÁRIOESTRUTURANTE.Questa teoria è quella che più è venuto vicino all'potenza del dio.Di conseguenza va contro tutta la forma di caos.QUASI DEL NIENTE TUTTO PUÒ COMPARIRE - TRANNE IL DIO.L'UNIVERSO è Una CREAZIONE AUTOMATICA, TUTTAVIA, Un'ESECUZIONE diquesto TRASPORTO DA SOLO PUÒ AVERE l'POTENZA del CREATORE.Questa teoria va venire a contatto all'armonia ed al eternity cosmiconel detrimento al caos e del finitude dell'universo considerato per lateoria dell'esplosione grande. Mentre uno entra in flusso delladisintegrazione e del reintegration con poca energia, altri sono piùdistante sopportato dal aglutinação dello spazio denso.COSMO ESTRUTURANTE E DESINTEGRANTE.Modello Di Graceliano. L'universo è flusso costante ed infinito.Prima parte.TEORIA della BOLLA DI SPAZIO e DI ENERGIA DENSI.Mentre nella teoria dell'esplosione grande l'universo se si espande daun punto dello spazio e da una piccola quantità di energia ed èquella soltanto - DELLA PARTE ESTERNA PER LA PARTE INTERNA - nellateoria dell'universo della bolla se si contrae dallo spazio denso perprodurre la sostanza e l'energia di alcuni punti dell'infinito dellospazio, in una produzione costante di nuovi universi in alcuni puntidel cosmo. O uno, si contrae per produrre la sostanza smette piùsuccessivamente di formare i astros e se espandendosi per il Maser. LaE è alcuni universi nei punti infiniti del cosmo nelle fasi infinite.Della nascita nella bolla di fase di spazio denso - metta la fase infase di energia estruturante-Na, nella fase della sostanza e nellafase della disintegrazione, nello scioglimento e nella rimozione nellospazio per il Maser adeguato della densità della sostanza. Formare direintegration di E secondario dal materiale si è irradiato per lascuola elementare.PASSAGGI PER FORMAZIONE della SOSTANZA, degli ELEMENTI, di ASTROS eDegli UNIVERSI.Quindi, lo spazio denso se contratti fino a che ad essere filamentoso- la sostanza diffusa arriva - la sostanza densa - energia - nucleidiffusi - astros - fusione nucleare - elementi chimici - deglielementi chiari - Maser - in reengrupamentos pesati in nuovi astros,secondari - ritorna se per disintegrarsi - ed il processo non continuipiù fino a che se sostanza diffusa diventante.COMMENTO. Non riteniamo l'azione dello spazio denso perché siamo in un universoin una fase quelloFORMULA PER LA CONTRAZIONE DI SPAZIO DENSO.Lo spazio denso se contratti e diminue del formato per produrre lasostanza e se dà in una contrazione ed in una riduzione infinita, chepuò essere calcolato con formula del limite infinitesimal. Ma uno cheinteramente ha lasciato, diviso per tutti, così infinitamente.Spazio denso ED - spazio denso totale della parte p sestructuralizing. Quindi, infinitamente, fino a changeddingnell'energia e nella sostanza.Ed - P/ED... fino ad arrivare da essere energia e sostanza.Quindi, abbiamo la formula per formazione della sostanza, energia eper l'origine dell'universo.
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